Media Ministry

Communication is as important (if not moreso) than ever. And, social media is changing how individuals find information and connect with one another. The Word instructs us to Go Make Disciples in Matthew 28:19.  And, technology provides multiple opportunities for us as Christians to reach others with God's message!


Olivet is looking for individuals to work together to share the Good News through various forms of media--inside the church within the Media Center, and through various communication tools and forums to keep people up to date throughout the week.


No matter is individuals walk through our doors on Notre Dame Avenue, or engage with us on the Website, Twitter, Facebook or email, we want people to find a spiritual, vibrant, and welcoming community with many opportunities for them to be a part of doing God’s work!


Social media opens doors and opportunities to engage with people who rarely, if ever, step foot in a church. They may learn through sermon summaries posted on the website, Facebook, or Twitter!


If you have a desire to participate in creating content, or getting this content out to others, know that this ministry is in need of photographers, videographers, writers, graphic artists, A/V technicians, and more! If you are not quite ready to create content, then do join us on Facebook and Twitter--the links are on the upper right hand corner of our Website!